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Best Fear Quotes by Brian Germain

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"Most people do safe things dangerously to get a rush. I prefer to do dangerous things safely."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"When we transform our fears into our concerns, we flow in a river of solutions."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Happiness will always be the best defense against fear."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"The pursuit of mastery within the realm of risk is where we stoke the fire of the human spirit."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"A life with too much risk is often too short, but a life without risk is no life at all."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Life is fear versus trust. Fear brings us less of what we hate and none of what we love. Trust brings us some of what we hate and everything that we love!"

-Brian Stuart Germain

"One cannot simultaneously prepare for the worst case scenario and the best case scenario."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Abbreviated Owner's Manual for the mind: If you are not enjoying the thoughts that are in your head, change them, before they change you. You are what you think."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear is an alarm, not a defense. Alarms alone don't save lives; clear-headed choices do."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fearless conviction to a good idea is the way of genius."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Invest in happiness. It pays bigger returns than fear."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Do not be afraid of success if you want to experience it."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear is like a good friend who chooses a path that you would not choose to walk. You do not judge them. You do not join them. You just love them and go your own way."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Whatever life hands you, there is a better way to see it than the way you see things when you first look. Your fear has shown up because you are thinking about the negative possibilities that you saw in your first glance at the situation. When you are on the lookout for how things are going to get better, you are more likely to find success."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"The process of transcending fear is the business of happiness itself."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"I love humans, even when we are scared and selfish, we are able to shake it off and do the right thing. The amount of love that we radiate into the universe is greater than the amount of fear. The best part is, the love-level is still climbing."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear limits the expansion of the human heart, and the degree to which its intentions are carried out. I am therefore against it."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"What if everything was going to be ok? What would that look like? Are you brave enough to think in that direction until it is reality?"

-Brian Stuart Germain

‘Until you have the courage to let yourself surrender to the brave task of envisioning the story of things going well, you are destined to walk another path. The body cannot go where the mind has not gone first."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"When you remember how lovable the human species can be, you will stop fearing us and start believing in us."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"You can let go of the fear that you are the only one who freaks out from time to time."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Surrendering to thinking something other than the valid reasons to worry;
this is the art of being happy."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"The process of relaxing is the process of rejoining with the best version of you, and all the good that it entails. Every deep breath is sacred. Every grin is a star being born."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Love always eventually triumphs over fear, although sometimes you have to be a little patient. The worse anything gets, the greater the pull in the other direction. It is the physics of the universe. Things eventually get better."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"If you can’t see how ridiculous you look when you are afraid, you cannot step out of the experience. If, however, you realize that you were just thinking in the wrong direction, you will just laugh and look the other way."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"All you need to do in order to shed your fear is start looking for the way, and never look back. Flip your fear upside down, laugh at it, love it to death, and do what the specific distaste suggests in terms of action for improvement."               
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear is just a poke that points you in the direction you want to go. It is only when we poke back and grab hold of it that things get ugly."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"If our goal is to be happy, then fear is clearly counter to that goal, because it makes us feel lousy. Fear is the exact opposite of happiness."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"I love witnessing people acting heroically, despite their fear. They see the big picture, act with their hearts, and ignore their previous programming. This is called doing the right thing. It is when humanity shows its true nature."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Getting your panties in a bunchie is not the way to get you where you want to go. That comes from having a good time along the way."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"I choose to focus on all the good things that humanity has achieved throughout our journey on this earth, and so I do not fear for our future."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"When we are alone, we are filled with fear of commitment.
When we are in love, we fear the loss of what we have.
When we are poor, we fear success.
When we are wealthy, we fear becoming impoverished."  
-Brian Stuart Germain

When we enjoy being alone, we don’t worry about commitment.
When we enjoy being in love, we have no time to think about the relationship ending.
When we stop making our lack of money a reason to be unhappy, 
we celebrate simplicity,
When we are thankful for our abundance, our inner feeling of worthiness 
allows it to continue."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear is the very bottom of the emotional scale. It is the sub-basement of the soul. Fortunately, Love is an elevator that goes all the way to the top floor."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Money is just another reflection of the universal battle between love and fear. We fear losing whatever we love."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"If you are afraid to be yourself, you can’t sell anybody anything, because you are nobody."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"A sigh of relief is the sound of things getting better."                    
-Brian Stuart Germain

"If you are less afraid of running out of money than you are excited about being successful, you are on your way."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"When your fear of love is set aside, you are your true self."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"All over the world, ordinary people are choosing fearless freedom over restriction. It is the quickening of humanities’ journey from doing what we are told is right, to feeling what is right and acting upon that."                   
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fearlessness is about leaving behind the things that we don’t actually believe in favor of things that we know in our hearts to be true. This is the dawning of the Age of Heroism, the time of inner and outer freedom."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"The process of working with your fear is the most important work you are doing on this planet. It is how you peel back the layers of culture and false beliefs about yourself, and allow your inner groovy to spill forth."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear and hate are learned aversions which are easily dissolved in a moment of loving focus. Humanity is capable of total compassion because the desire to do good was there along. It is just waiting for an opportunity to come out. We are all heroes waiting for our moment in the sun." 

-Brian Stuart Germain

"You cannot let your reasons for being freaked out freak you out. It just doesn't help."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"It is in the moments when we are lost in fear that we require a conjuring of the memory of what it is like to be happy. Once we surrender to that process, 
things inevitably get better."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Daring to feel compassion and help others is a sign of a personal commitment to fearlessness."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"When you decide to let go of your fear of what everybody else will think if you are happier than they are, you will tap into the never-ending source of life energy called fearless joy. When you shine that light on someone you deem worthy of your love, you earn your keep in this world." 

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fearless love is the highest attainment of life on this planet or any other."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"I want to help people become happier and less limited by fear. That is my calling. I love how beautiful our species can be when we are driven by their hearts, and so learning and sharing the many ways out of fear is therefore my ultimate goal in life. "

-Brian Stuart Germain

"When we think with our hearts, we are fearless in a way that goes beyond the physical bravery of a mountain climber, pilot or soldier. When we do what is right, despite our knowledge of the dangers, we are being who we were meant to be."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Relaxing is the last thing on our minds when we are afraid, and yet this is always the first step toward mitigating risk." -Brian Stuart Germain

"You know you can be more than this. You have seen your true colors. All you need to do is look away from your fear, and let your freak flag fly."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"The way of fearlessness is the way of true freedom."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Does anything feel better than reexamining your fear and finding freedom within it?"

-Brian Stuart Germain

"It is time to rise up out of the fear and be the full self that your old self was too small to contain."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear is dangerous. No emotion creates more stagnation when action is needed, and more action when a pause is necessary. Worse, no emotion leads us further from love."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Humanity is faced with a choice. On one hand we have fear, and on the other we have love. Each act is another opportunity to show your inner beauty."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"There are a great many reasons to feel fear, and many of them are valid. The belief in the beneficiality of the thoughts that fear leads us to is the only fallacy. Fear is not caution."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"The problem comes when we conform through fear, and act in a manner that is contrary to who you really are and what you truly believe in. This is the root of much suffering in the world. When you let yourself flow with the nature of your true self, you become you."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"When faced with a big decision, fear will always present an option that feels safer, but usually leads you away from the right path. Even when a course correction is necessary, it is not your fear that guides you accurately, it is your wisdom to know the way. Wisdom is not born in fear, it is born in love."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Freedom from fear does not come from external circumstances at all, but in a choice to allow the feeling of relief regardless of the circumstances."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"A society’s relationship to fear and risk is what determines its overall success. A brave culture that strives for all that is right will not dwell on the possible consequences to failure. Instead, the brave culture in the pursuit of morality will focuses its attention on the sole prospect of reaching for continuous improvement."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"We are brave. It is who we are. To act differently would be contrary to our true nature. When we act meekly, the source of our pain is the comparison between who we really are and who we are being. Nothing causes more suffering than knowing that you can be braver than you are being."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"You do not need to reach for what you believe in. That is your right as a sentient being. You are free to choose your way. But when you have had enough of the inner turmoil that comes along with taking the cowardly path of blind conformance, you will realize that the brave way is the only way. You’ve just got to be you."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear really is a gift. The backdrop of distaste is the way in which we illuminate the truth. Repulsion always bears the gift of the preferred."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"In the hard times, we must not let our fear of each other keep us from coming. We must have pot-luck suppers and sing songs in the darkness. When we fearlessly open ourselves to our community, we find everything you need. Stone Soup, baby."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Are the opinions of others more important than your opinion of yourself?"                  
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Although most of us do not believe that we are driven by fear of what others think, the vast majority are in strict conformance with the norm. Someone is lying to themselves, and its not the weirdoes."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Even one who has been driven by fear their entire lives can make a choice to turn the corner and leave begin the old habits of worry. It is just a shift in thought. We are always free to do whatever makes the most sense."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"It is not the altitude that gets a skydiver to that feeling, it is their fearless surrender to joy."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Cheering up is the solution to all fear."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"The feeling of relief is always the first step away from negative emotion and toward joy."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Surrendering to the process of getting happier is always a heroic act, especially when you are surrounded by people who are not currently happy."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Daring to be happy enough to annoy the miserable folks is one of the healthiest goals in life."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Mood is the only thing that appears to really matter in life."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"If you are driven by fear, you will always rendezvous with more things that make you afraid."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Adventure challenges prepare us to fearlessly stand up for things that we believe in."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Adventure People get used to ignoring their fear and doing what needs to be done the right way. Risk is life training"

-Brian Stuart Germain

"In this brave next phase in human evolution, the capacity for lovingkindness will be selected as the most desirable of traits."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Loving compassion is the most heroic pursuit that we will ever undertake."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Daring to remain happy in our hearts as we help those who are suffering, this is bravery."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"If you aren't afraid at times, you aren't expanding."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Who are you when you forget your fear?"

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Doing something dangerous that does not scare me is not true bravery. It is when I forge ahead despite my personal panic alarms that makes me momentarily heroic."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Real love is the unconditional experience of limitless compassion that comes as a result of focusing on the most positive aspects of another person. As we give our undivided attention to their beauty and brilliance, we magnify it, and they shine even brighter. This is how fearless love can transcend all barriers."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Love, wherever it goes, leads to more of itself."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"It may be true that there is much to fear, but if we fearlessly band together and help each other out, there is no need to be afraid."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"A deep slow breath followed by a relief-filled smile seems to be the first step toward the hurtling of all obstructions in life."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Love is the cause of both fear and heroism. We fear losing what we love, while the fearless pursuit of love is what makes us great."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Love is the cause of all authentic bravery."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Until you have the courage to let yourself surrender to the brave task of envisioning the story of things going well, you are destined to walk another path. The body cannot go where the mind has not gone first."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"I think that all the world's fear could easily be mitigated if each one of us would take fifteen minutes a day to go sit on a rock in silence."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear is what happens when you stare in a direction you didn't want to go anyway."

-Brian Stuart Germain

"Loving life requires us to push into the realms that provoke our fear, and when we focus on the joy of the process, the lemon is always worth the squeeze."
-Brian Stuart Germain

"When you remember that everything is on it's way to better, you will take a deep breath, let go of your fear and allow your inner smile to light the way to your inner truth."
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear not, love really is the answer."  
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Love doesn't hurt. It is the absence of love that hurts. When we focus on what we love and why we love it, there is nothing but joy. "
-Brian Stuart Germain

"It is most ironic that the fear of not being liked leads us away from being our true selves, making us less likable."      
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Knowledge counters fear. Knowing what you are doing is half the battle. Knowing yourself is the other half."
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Humanity seems bent on proving bravery through physical means, when true grit is best demonstrated in the pursuit of integrity and truth."        
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Admitting that you are afraid is the first step toward bravery."            
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Ideals require brave action to take flight." 
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Fear can lead to wisdom only when we understand the danger that it is pointing out and move forward with addressing that concern."
-Brian Stuart Germain

"A forced smile in a time of terror soon becomes a legitimate change of mood."                
-Brian Stuart Germain

"You are less a function of your past as you are the brave dream of what you could be."          
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Life provokes imbalance, which is the source of fear. Striving for holistic balance on all axis is therefore the secret to transcending all fear."        
-Brian Stuart Germain

"If bravery in the pursuit of love is crazy, then I am a lunatic."      
-Brian Stuart Germain

"There are two types of stress. One builds you up, the other breaks you down. If you aren't smiling, stress is kicking your ass."                           
-Brian Stuart Germain

"Brave parents are great parents, because if you don't let them risk, you don't let them live."     
-Brian Stuart Germain

"For every inch you move toward expanding beyond your fears, you make quantum leaps in your journey toward freedom and happiness." 
-Brian Stuart Germain

"It is not about shedding fear entirely, but stepping beyond your personal comfort zone, little by little. If you manage to put your toes in the surf today, perhaps you can get in up to your knees tomorrow." 
-Brian Stuart Germain

You are allowed to be afraid. You are not allowed to let fear stop you from doing the right thing.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Bravery without awareness of the risks is just innocence. Bravery following painful lessons is heroism.
-Brian Stuart Germain

The best gift we can give our children is a sense of adventure. When we shy away from danger, we fail to lead the way to a full life.             
-Brian Stuart Germain

Life is about teamwork. Without transcending the fear of each other, we are bound to fail in the long run.         
-Brian Stuart Germain

Responsible parents do not strive to avoid risk entirely, but teach the ways to avoid danger while exploring the world with a feverous passion for life.                
-Brian Stuart Germain

The fear of change is what prevents most improvement in this world. Without the risk of worse, there is no better.                  
-Brian Stuart Germain

When fear points to limitations, it lies. We are wide open to make the world a better place, and the fear of change is the only thing standing in our way.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Fixation on the current status rather than future possibilities is the ultimate downfall of the fear mentality.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Freedom is a choice. Pull up the anchor of your fear and let the winds of possibility carry you.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Fear is just excitement without breathing, a contraction of the body and soul, created by visions of what we do not want. Improve your breathing, improve your vision, and watch your fear dissolve before your eyes.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Passion is how we stoke the fire of human brilliance. Fear of judgment is how we put it out.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Permanent fearlessness is a horizon that we pursue but never attain, but the going is what produces the expansion of life that we desire. Bravery despite fear is the creator of the expanded version of you.
-Brian Stuart Germain

When we fixate on negative possibilities, we feel fear. When we fixate on positive possibilities, we feel exhilaration. How we feel is always an indication of what we are giving our attention to, and what we fixate on tends to become our experience.
-Brian Stuart Germain

The universal characteristic of happy, wise people is the fact that they choose to remember the lessons of traumatic experiences and to forget the specifics of the experience. Fixation on the unwanted past always draws us toward a recreation of the event, and farther from benefiting from the learning that we have gleaned. Think where you want to go.
-Brian Stuart Germain

It is better to be punished for being who you are than praised for being someone else. Fearlessly you!
-Brian Stuart Germain

The magnitude of your fear is in proportion to the desire you feel around that subject. When you know what you don't want, you know what you want. Direct your attention to the desire, and the fear will transform into inspiration.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Kindness is the natural evolution of fearlessness.
-Brian Stuart Germain

There is no bravery without fear, but when the desire is strong, the fear becomes weak. Inspiration is the source of heroism. 
-Brian Stuart Germain

Life belongs to the intrepid, not because they do not fail, but because they learn from it and move forward into wisdom.
-Brian Stuart Germain

The opposite of fear is love. When love is first directed toward the self, the magnitude of affection available to all others is infinite.
-Brian Stuart Germain

If you are not willing to look like a fool, you are not brave enough to be great.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Fearless compassion is the natural benefit to adventure challenge, because once we start the ball rolling in the direction of true fearlessness in our lives, what we discover at the bottom of the hill is lovingkindness for all.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Fear is motivation, like a whip from behind, while the joy of inspiration compels us forward out of shear pleasure of motion ahead. Genuine inspiration is pure life fuel, the only sustainable resource in the universe.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Often people believe that I suggest doing things that scare you despite your overwhelming fear. This is not exactly my point, and such a path can lead to some very bad outcomes. What I support is transforming how you feel about things that scare you, and then enjoying the expanded territory afforded by your new perspective.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Before we take on danger, fear is wonderful guidance. It tells us when the light is green and when the light is red. Once the kinetic energy is in full swing, on the other hand, fear offers nothing but narrow-minded negativity and resistance, and it limits our access to the graceful flow of skill that leads us to safety.     
-Brian Stuart Germain

The vast majority of adventure enthusiasts are driven by the joy of life, rather than a fear of death. Their sense of safety, on the whole, seems to be grounded in a profound trust in their knowledge and skill of execution. Self-trust is both the consequence of adventure, and the reason for things going well.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Scaring ourselves back into the present moment is the core benefit of all adventure experience. Danger is forced enlightenment.                   
-Brian Stuart Germain

Heroism is to fear as fitness is to extinction. Nature favors those driven by what is right, rather than by what feels safest.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Fear comes from a busy mind, orbiting around the unwanted. The silent mind cannot fear, because it orbits around nothing.
-Brian Stuart Germain

The fear of greatness is what makes us meek, and the fear of being meek is what makes us great.
-Brian Stuart Germain

"There are many valid reasons to feel negative emotion, but not one of them is worth focusing on for more than fifteen seconds. If you can resolve the issue in that amount of time, great. If not, get off the topic before you make a habit of the emotion. People steeped negative emotion are not all that much fun to be around, even when they are right."
-Brian Stuart Germain

The balance of power of hope versus fear is tipped by shifting our focus from negative truth to positive possibilities.     
-Brian Stuart Germain

When we are in the grip of fear, we are more focused on our disbelief in the possibility of improvement than we are the vision of how success might occur.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Fear is just your indication that your current heading or thought process leads away from where you actually want to go.
-Brian Stuart Germain

The fear of speaking one's truth is the most insidious fear of all. Integrity is beautiful.
-Brian Stuart Germain

I have found that fear is in everything that I do, and just like anger, it works against the attainment of everything that I love.
-Brian Stuart Germain

You are a collection of your worst fears and your most beautiful dreams. You need to confront both if you are to become your highest self.
-Brian Stuart Germain

We must never allow our fear of the opinions of others sway us from acting with integrity. When we stand tall in our ideals, the view is incredible.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Life is the never-ending process of finding the sane balance between fearless freedom and neurotic paranoia. -Brian Stuart Germain

Love is only experienced in its fullest expression by the fearless and the forgiving.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Love sometimes results in fear, but fear cannot lead us to love. Only by finding a way to cheer up and trust that everything is going to be ok are we granted the keys to heaven. -Brian Stuart Germain

Fear most often leads to irrationality. The more adverse the possibility, the more we tend to overestimate the likelihood of it occurring. This is the reason why the human race most often steers such a wide birth around risk, at the expense of the possible rewards. We mistake the magnitude of the emotion for the likelihood of actualization. Ironically, though self fulfilling prophesies of failure, we usually prove ourselves right. Fear makes danger real. 
-Brian Stuart Germain

Open the doors to the real you that you have been too afraid to divulge for fear of judgment. Only you decide your worthiness. Only you can let it in.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Wellness requires exercise. Exercise hurts. Only the brave will choose to do what they know will hurt. Therefore, the pursuit of wellness is always braver than laziness.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Fear is contended with in two ways. The first is through internal soothing processes, and the second is through addressing the external conditions. If you are worried of a parachute malfunction, you must check your gear. Reasonable steps toward safety make it easier to feel better about danger. In the end, however, relief is always a choice to relax into feeling better. Your heart, your choice. 
-Brian Stuart Germain

When the stress level remains at a high level for a long period of time, we look for any excuse to run and hide, reaching for their physiological balance. Although the motive may be a much needed feeling of relief, the bottom line is, stress causes laziness.     
-Brian Stuart Germain

Business is no different from skydiving. We pay our money, we take our chances, and we point our heads in the direction of optimism. Fear is the enemy of all progress, and relaxing back into hope is the only way forward.
-Brian Stuart Germain

The state of fear is not one mindset but three. The adrenalin gets interpreted based on the circumstances, and we either feel anger, try to escape, or freeze in our tracks and loop our thoughts over and over again. The quickest way out is to physically relax, and let go of our thinking. The absence of thought is the beginning of something better.
-Brian Stuart Germain

When we are steeped in worry, it is because we have disconnected from the feeling of happiness. When we fixate and ruminate on the problem, there is no light at the end of the tunnel because we are not in the same headspace as the solutions. Feeling better comes from dropping the conversation about the problem, and giving our full attention to the solution.
-Brian Stuart Germain

We all freak out from time to time, when we loop our thoughts that lead to a feeling of helplessness and doom. By choosing to get off these trains of thought, and look for ideas that either solve our problems or simply make us feel better, we can minimize the time wasted in worry. We always have a choice about what we give our attention to, and so we always choose how we feel.  
-Brian Stuart Germain

We know that stress kills. It kills more than cells, it kills human cooperation. It breaks down communication between individuals, who find themselves lost in the speed, and consequently the love level drops. Unless love is in the house, we are simply not living the good life.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Few people are willing to admit that they have fear. It is only the ones who realize it and take it head on that end up taking the leap of expansion. Fear of danger is just the beginning. It builds our skills of de-escalation so we may take on more consequential matters, like the fear of each other.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Practicing our ability to maintain our center through engaging in adventure pursuits can cultivate our ability to remain in our hearts when negative emotion begins to diminish us. The situation may be different, but the skill of keeping it together remains the same. Breathe out the fire, and to calmly look in the direction of the best possible outcome.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Explore what scares you, and you will find that your territory is larger than you have been using thus far. Fearless expansion into our gray zones is how we spread the light within ourselves.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Fear is worrying about having enough food to eat.
Fearlessness is planting a garden and sharing the produce.  
-Brian Stuart Germain

The feeling of fear is always an indication of where our focus is taking us. The more we fixate on the possibilities that we do not want, the more we are moving in the direction of the undesired experience, so fear is warranted. Fear is the signal from your higher self saying: "go the other way with your thinking, before it's too late!"
-Brian Stuart Germain

There is no limit to how good this can get when we leave fear behind.
-Brian Stuart Germain

As our circle of loved ones grows, our fear grows alongside our love. If love is to remain unlimited by fear, we must surrender to fearless trust. True bravery always knows the reasons for fear, but chooses to focus in the direction that is most beneficial despite the risks.
-Brian Stuart Germain

There is nothing more beautiful than human compassion. When we fearlessly allow love to turn into action, we become the people we came here to be. Love solves all.
-Brian Stuart Germain

We have a job to do, and fear has nothing to do with it. We must look into our hearts and find compassion. We must look into the soil and bring forth food. We must look into the future and see the improvement that our lives have been generating through our experience, and know that it is coming.
-Brian Stuart Germain

In business, the fear mentality often results in management not listening to subordinates, or asking for suggestions on how to reduce waste and promote growth. The janitor can be the key perspective that makes or breaks a company. Wisdom can come from anywhere, and the wise always keep their ears open for the next good idea. This is brave leadership.
-Brian Stuart Germain

There are plenty of bad endings in our past to suggest contraction. It is the possibility of good endings in the future that drives us to take the next step through fear.
-Brian Stuart Germain

It is normal to experience emotional reactions based on past experiences. That is called learning. If, however, we want to experience something different from the past, we must accept that this is a brand new situation. You must dare to consider the possibility that things will unfold differently, and far better than before.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Your ability to appraise the situation is inversely proportional to the speed of that situation. Your gut always tells you that something isn't right, but you need to be moving slowly and with awareness if you are to make the necessary course corrections when things are headed in a direction that might end badly. Slow down and keep thinking your way to the best case scenario.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Even the most painful of worries cannot stand in the face of a long walk in nature. Observe beauty, appreciate beauty, become beauty. -Brian Stuart Germain

When you remember that everything really is on it's way to better, you will take a deep breath, let go of your struggle, and allow your outer smile to light the way to your inner truth.
-Brian Stuart Germain

The reasons for fear are mounting, but the solutions are becoming more obvious every day. The worse it gets, the clearer the path to improvement.
-Brian Stuart Germain

When we are freaking out, the first thing to go is our sense of humor. If you cannot laugh about this, it is time to lighten up and let go of your intensity. Happiness results in both skill and intelligence.  
-Brian Stuart Germain

On one end of the emotional spectrum is fear, and on the other is love. Although we desire to be in a state of love, the possibility of losing the object of our love will always bring us back to a feeling to fear. That is why the skill of optimism is the key to happiness. Either we cultivate this skill, or we spend much of our lives in fear.            
-Brian Stuart Germain

There is no greater high than to be in the middle of danger and appreciating the beauty of your time and place. Zen Adventure!      
-Brian Stuart Germain

Everything you desire requires fearless focus in order to manifest. Distracting yourself from what is, and clarifying your image of this new and improved reality is all you need to do. Fear says: "Here is the risk of failure. Here are the odds of success based on the past." Fearless conviction, on the other hand, only pays attention to the dream itself, and ponders the vision solely for the joy of it.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Life is scary because we are afraid that we will find ourselves cut off from the loving life force that sustains us. Fortunately, this can never happen, simply because the source of our life force is within us. You are creating you.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Fear is a navigational guide, not a destination. Notice it, make the change that makes you feel better, and let it go. Joy is the destination.
-Brian Stuart Germain

When you, the adventurer, step into your zone of risk and skill, you are alive. Your moment is at hand, and your fear will not stop you. You are intention in action, without resistance. It is on.                   
-Brian Stuart Germain

We can rise above overwhelming helplessness. It begins with a softening deep breath and uplifting focus, and ends with forward thinking action with the expectation of success. We become hope in motion.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Terrifying challenge is the grindstone that hones the point of our desire for the future. Although it hurts, it helps.          -Brian Stuart Germain

It you are afraid to speak your mind, do not complain that your world is not what you prefer.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Unwanted momentum is destined to continue for those who are afraid to embrace silence.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Relaxing into a feeling of complete safety, when appropriate, is how we prevent burnout. Allowing ourselves to feel safe all of the time is how we fall into dangerous complacency. -Brian Stuart Germain

Love in action is both fearless and beautiful.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Awe is the opposite of stress. Slow down and soak in the beauty.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Just because it has not been done this new way before does not mean that it is the wrong way to do it. Blind conservatism is fear in disguise.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Love and fear are born of the same stuff.
-Brian Stuart Germain

The degree to which things can get better is the degree to which we let ourselves be happy regardless of whether or not it gets better.        -Brian Stuart Germain

The best indication of intelligence is the willingness to experiment.       
-Brian Stuart Germain

When we stop worrying about what others think of us and just go with what feels right, we radiate our most brilliant light into the world. Nothing shines like authenticity.       
-Brian Stuart Germain

When we see the depth of character within every stranger, and the pain they have endured, the veil of fear between us dissolves, and humanity takes a giant leap toward true peace.         -Brian Stuart Germain

Although happiness is the result of wisdom, it is not always the source of it. Fear is a teacher too. -Brian Stuart Germain

The loss of hope is the transformation from pilot to passenger. Consider the possibility that you can make this beautiful too.   
-Brian Stuart Germain

The difference between caution and fear is that caution increases safety while fear causes more danger and less freedom.      
-Brian Stuart Germain

You don't need to worry. It is going to be alright as soon as you relax into the process of how it is going to be alright.              
-Brian Stuart Germain

The ability to keep your cool is what separates you from the turkeys. It's either breathe big when you need it, or gobble-gobble.                     
-Brian Stuart Germain

Whether you believe you create your experience or you are a subject of circumstance, the next move is entirely up to you. Breathe, think bravely, and thrive.
-Brian Stuart Germain

If you are afraid to fail, you aren't brave enough to be great.                       
-Brian Stuart Germain

Adventure is less about the pursuit of terrifying danger as it is about the pursuit of happiness.        
-Brian Stuart Germain

If we take care of each other, we don't need to fear each other.      
-Brian Stuart Germain

Each step we take into the unknown expands what we know of ourselves.

-Brian Stuart Germain

The world is full of people who have succeeded in not dying. Rarer are those who chose meaningful risk and walk away with rewards that make life worth living.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Where fear and euphoria overlap is the place called happiness.                 
-Brian Stuart Germain

Keeping it together when the poop hits the propeller is partly about focus, partly about breathing, and partly about finding a way to enjoy the ride.
-Brian Stuart Germain

The reason why we are here is not to just take up space. It is not just to live long. It is to expand that which has been before, and reach out for our dreams in childlike hopefulness. We cannot let fear stop us from being who we really are.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Skydivers survive because we take care of ourselves, and each other. Safety is the natural consequence of love.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Even in the darkest of times, all we need to do is have Pot-Luck suppers and sing songs in the darkness. Loving each other is the only light we need.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Ego makes us brave, love makes us heroic.
-Brian Stuart Germain

Adventure Wisdom
(this is us too!)


Transcending Fear is a Leadership Training Company. Our main offerings include: Fear Seminars by a noted Fear Expert for overcoming fears, Leadership Training Workshops, a celebrity Skydiving Instructor for skydiving fear challenges, and Skydiving Videos and Skydiving Books by Author Brian Germain.

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